The initial intake and consultation for acupuncture and Chinese medicine are more comprehensive than subsequent follow-up visits to allow time for a thorough evaluation. Chinese medical diagnosis is a complex and nuanced process that involves a variety of factors, including the patient's physical symptoms, their medical history, and their overall energy level and well-being. In addition to traditional Western medical tests, Chinese medical practitioners may also use a variety of diagnostic tools, such as pulse diagnosis, tongue inspection, and palpation of the abdomen.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture for a long list of diseases, symptoms and conditions including but not limited to depression, anxiety, headache, hypertension, pain, stroke and allergies. Acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, anxiety, depression, and infertility. Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for many conditions. It is generally well-tolerated, and there are few side effects. It can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments, such as medication or surgery.
Chinese herbal medicine is a safe and effective way to treat a variety of health conditions. Using herbs as medicine is the origin of Chinese medicine, and a powerful one indeed. A Chinese herbal formula can be made up of 2 to up to 50 different herbs to treat the root of your specific pattern of illness. (Not just the symptoms!) It is a sophisticated system that has evolved over thousands of years and is now a primary form of healthcare for many.
An herbal protocol combined with acupuncture treatments is a dynamic duo! Because I believe that together they work to resolve conditions so much more effectively when paired together I include an herbal prescription with each initial acupuncture evaluation.
Fire Cupping is an effective folk remedy that has been used around the world to promote healing and relieve a variety of ailments. In particular, it is great to relieve inflammation and muscular tension in the neck, lower back, shoulders, and hips. It is very similar to massage, but works in reverse (suction vs pressure) to release bound muscle fibers, clear out lactic acid, to allow fresh blood and oxygen to relieve pain and increase circulation. Cupping in the mid back is a great detox for the lungs and can help clear congestion, and strengthen the immune system, open the chest to relieve constricted breathing from asthma or a respiratory infection, and can be helpful to assist with smoking cessation.
Massage or “Tui Na” in Chinese is one branch of the five branches of Chinese medicine and can be used in a similar way to acupuncture to treat pain and inflammation, increase recovery from illness or injury, and boost immunity. We often integrate massage into our acupuncture treatments to address injuries or illnesses in relation to your Chinese medical evaluation and diagnosis, but massage sessions without acupuncture are also available.
33 Orange St. # 4
Asheville NC, 28801